Identiteit: the courage to be
vr 29 november 17.00 tot zo 1 december 17.00
Centrum Oostraven, |
Doelgroep: Volwassenen |
Niveau: Gemengd |
Duur: Weekend |
Kosten: Workshop 220 EUR, Volpension 246 EUR |
Gastdocent: Cristiano Martins is een zeer inspirerend facilitator uit Portugal (voertaal engels) |
Organisator: Ad Faasse |
Cristiano schreef daar het volgende over:
“…To become who we are we need a lot of courage to take on and express all our potentials and a lot of courage to be vulnerable to the realm of feeling, in a very simplistic way we can define courage as nothing more than a “love affair as unknown”.
During these days im going to invite you to dance the two paradoxes of identity:
a) Identity reveals itself through “the other.”
b) Identity has an invariable essence at the same time that it constantly transforms, due to its space-time dimension. In this way, identity is always unique and at the same time changes its qualities with age. “”