Verdiepingsdag met Claire Lewis
zo 21 april 10:30
De Pekhoeve, Breda Pekhoeve Sociaal Cultureel Centrum De Dorpstraat |
Website: Ga naar de website |
Telefoonnummer: 0630411717 |
Doelgroep: Volwassenen |
Niveau: Gemengd |
Duur: Dag |
Kosten: 70,- |
Docente: Agnes Woertman |
Organisator: Agnes Woertman |
Rolando Toro zou as 19 april honderd jaar worden als hij nog leefde. Een heel goede reden om zijn leven en wat hij ons nagelaten heeft, Biodanza, te vieren!
Claire Lewis biedt ter ere van Rolando’s 100ste verjaardag daarom prachtige dansdagen aan! Zondag 21 april is zij bij ons in Breda en op zaterdag 20 april is zij in België in Oud- Turnhout. Aanmelden voor de dansdag op 20 april graag naar: https://info@biodanza.be Voor de zondag, aanmelden bij mij. Dans je graag beide dagen mee (het zijn verschillende dagen) dan betaal je 20,- minder.
Claire geeft de vivencia’s in het Engels.
Wat Claire zegt over deze verdiepingsdag:
The Numinous Unconscious
Return to the Origin and the Sacredness of Life
with Claire Lewis
This is a day of exploring the journey of life with the consciousness of the eternal realm, through dance and integrated embodiment but most importantly through empathetic relationship with each other and our creator…..the origin of life and the dance it leads.
In 2009 Rolando presented his theory of the numinous unconscious for the first time at the Spanish Encounter in Madrid. It was an amazing and poignant moment as it was just a few months before he departed from this life.
Numinous means “arousing spiritual or religious emotion; mysterious or awe-inspiring. It is also something supernatural or appealing to the aesthetic sensitivity. The term was given its present sense by the German theologian, Rudolph Otto in his influential 1917 book, The idea of the Holy.
The theoretical structure was not complete yet but he presented the basic elements through a vivencia to convey the essence of his theory for the numinous unconscious and the aim of the Biodanza system to develop ever greater levels of human integration – essentially through empathic relationships and surrender to the divine origin of life – in order to access this expanded realm of consciousness.
In this beautiful day together we will discover this essence of the numinous unconscious that Rolando was bringing into the dance of life as it was the stage of consciousness that he was dancing in the last part of his journey on earth.
We know that the vivencia is the way in which we experience life but there is always the mystery of the unknown that dances within our experiences, so this expansion of consciousness in the numinous – the holy, spiritual, mysterious awe – awakens in us the desire to know that mystery and touch it with our soul. In the sincerity of our seeking, we may be able to receive a revelation of the divine truth of our origin, that through which everything has been created and that to which we belong and return.
I am very happy to coming back to Holland once again, to dance with my Dutch cousins with the warmth and joy of your wonderful hearts!
I hope you can join us in this unique invitation to celebrate this journey together. I look forward to seeing you soon on this day of honouring the life of Rolando Toro Araneda and the people he brought together, through a deep love and bright vision for the future of humanity.
Praktische informatie
zondag 21 april 10.30 tot 17.30 uur
Locatie: de prachtige zaal van de Pekhoeve te Breda/ Ulvenhout
Kosten: 70,- cash aan de deur
Wil je zaterdag 20 april (ook) graag met Claire dansen in Oud-Turnhout, stuur dan een berichtje naar: info@biodanza.be
Voor aanmelding en vragen voor zondag 21 april in Breda: stuur een mail